Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Celebrate Smile Day !!

The most contagious habit you can have is that of smiling. We've seen the frowning faces on the subway or the buses in the mornings and it just doesn't feel right to start the day like that. That's why I smile in the mornings, so my day starts afresh and my energy is renewed. It's also contagious. When you're smiling at a stranger or your colleagues(even ones you can't stand), all they can do is smile back at you. It disarms them and makes them feel good because of the nerve connectivity.

Here's a bit of Smiley trivia -
I recently found out that the universally loved SMILEY FACE was the creation of Harvey R. Ball, of Worcester, Mas. He co-owned an advertising and PR firm. And he created the smiley face back in 1963 just to boost the morale of the workers in the recently merged companies. It was designed with just $45, simple enough, the yellow and black colored SMILEY FACE. But it had become our pop culture icon of an omnipresent sign of happiness and a good cheer. It became so popular that in 1999 the U.S. Postal Service issued a SMILEY FACE postage stamp in the '1970's Celebrate the Century' set!

Nowadays of course you can send a smile even electronically. I smile at memories from last night with the guys at the bar or memories of old friends, even childhood memories, anything can trigger my smile. And they give me short bursts of high that keeps me going throughout the day. Do you have fond memories or things that put a smile on your face? You can share it here. In the meantime, you can send some sweet and free Smile Day online ecards to brighten your loved ones or even lost friends.Read More..

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